Tag Archives: PHYS


Helps me sleep. The information below is from Grok2. Low magnesium, or hypomagnesemia, can manifest....

The weeks physical exercise.

Slowly creeping back to a place where my body and mind are recovering from regular....

My Oura Statistics: Part 2.

Oura Statistics. Part 2 This little ditty is about my Readiness Score over the last....

Sore but not sore

Sitting at a desk does ruin the legs and hips after a 7-hour walk the....

Oura Ring stats for the last 5 Years

I have had the Oura ring since May 18th 2020. Oura Ring. www.ouraring.com Being a....

Garmin Readiness = 1

I guess the battle I have to force a rest day or day off exercise....

When the shadows whisper.

Out and about in the mud, wind, rain and mist early in the morning feeds....

Running and recovery at age 52. .

Running at 52. Recovery from running at any age, but especially at 52, involves a....

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Rest week from the phys was decent.

I had a rest week last week and decided to simply just walk every day.....

Week 42 of 2024

This week offered up a plan that I knew would be tough. I was ready....