Category Archives: Stuff

One hell of a photo. .

This is a photo that tells a story. The story you choose to believe is....

The basics work…

Dad, Why don’t you take 3 to 5 medications like most people your age? Because....

Anyone else got 3 or more books on the go at the same time?

Over the weekend I found myself looking at my desk and clocking that I have....

The adventures of Coco..

First light today she went for a run walk jog. We enjoyed the views and....

Trannie day tweet has a limited reach:

What can one say? The filth, abuse and blatant bullshit on X is insane. I....

It is true, no one cares.

No one cares. People judge everyone good or bad. Then move back into their heads....

Sunday just gone: The aftermath of the 30 min ski.

80 meters short of my PB and not ski-fit. Happy. Let’s see how hard I....